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Effekt og sikkerhetEffekt RARask respons (ACR20)Head-to-Head data (ACR50)Effekt PsAACR20 effektdataPASI75 effektdataEntesitt og Dactylitt effektdataEffekt ASASAS20/40 effektdataASDAS(CRP) effektdataEffekt UC8-ukers effektdataStart av effekt52-ukers effektdataOCTAVE StudiedesignEffekt JIASykdoms oppblussACR30/50/70 effektdataSikkerhetSikkerhetsprofilUtvalgte bivirkningerUnormale laboratorieverdierOm XELJANZOm XELJANZJAKi erfaringerXELJANZ virkningsmekanismeHvem kan bruke XELJANZDosering og administrasjonDosering og administrasjonDosering RA/PsA/ASDosering UCDosering JIALaboratorieovervåkningOpplæringsmateriellOpplæringsmateriellMateriellVideo
Hos pasienter som oppnådde minst JIA ACR30 respons ved slutten av den åpne fasenJIA-oppblussingsraten var signifikant lavere med XELJANZ® versus placebo1,2JIA-oppblussingshastighet ved slutten av den dobbeltblinde fasen av studie JIA-I1,2,a,bPrimary Endpoint1,2​​​​​​​


Figure adapted by Pfizer2The 26-week double-blind phase is from week 18 through week 44 (on and after randomization day).1Flare is defined as a worsening of ≥30% in ≥3 of the 6 variables of the JIA core set, with ≤1 variable improving by ≥30%.2Patients received XELJANZ 5 mg BID or body weight-based equivalent of XELJANZ Oral Solution BID. Oral solution was used for patients weighing <40 kg.1Hos pasienter som oppnådde minst JIA ACR30 respons ved slutten av den åpne fasenTid til oppblussing av JIA var signifikant lengre med XELJANZ versus placebo2 Tid til JIA-oppblussing i den dobbeltblinde fasen av studie JIA-I1,2,aSecondary Measure2Figure adapted by Pfizer2XELJANZ: N=72, events=21, median not evaluable because 71% of patients remained flare-free; placebo (N=70): events=37, median time to flare (95% CI: 155 days [86.0–not evaluable]).2​​​​​​​Flare is defined as a worsening of ≥30% in ≥3 of the 6 variables of the JIA core set, with ≤1 variable improving by ≥30%.2​​​​​​​Patients received XELJANZ 5 mg BID or body weight-based equivalent of XELJANZ Oral Solution BID. Oral solution was used for patients weighing <40 kg.1Studieinformasjon

A 44-week, 2-part study (consisting of an 18-week, open-label, run-in phase, followed by a 26-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized phase) in patients 2 to <18 years of age with pJIA (including RF positive or RF negative polyarthritis, extended oligoarthritis, systemic JIA with active arthritis and no current systemic symptoms) and patients 2 to <18 with jPsA and ERA. However, the pJIA efficacy population only includes the subgroups with either RF positive or RF negative polyarthritis or extended oligoarthritis; inconclusive results have been seen in the subgroup of patients with systemic JIA with active arthritis and no current systemic symptoms. Patients with juvenile PsA are included as separate efficacy subgroup. ERA patients are not included in the efficacy analysis.1,2

A total of 225 patients were enrolled in the 18-week open-label run-in phase and received XELJANZ/XELJANZ Oral Solution dosed at 5 mg BID or body weight-based equivalent BID. Only patients who achieved at least a JIA ACR30 response at the end of the run-in phase (week 18) were randomized (1:1) to the double-blind phase. 173 patients (77%) met this criterion and were randomized into the double-blind phase to either XELJANZ/XELJANZ Oral Solution dosed at 5 mg BID or body weight-based equivalent BID (n=88) or placebo (n=85) for 26 weeks. Treatment with MTX was permitted but was not required during the study.

The primary endpoint was JIA flare rate by week 44. Flare is defined as a worsening of ≥30% in ≥3 of the 6 variables of the JIA core set, with ≤1 variable improving by ≥30%.2

Finn ut merHar du sett hvordan XELJANZ presterte da de ble evaluert mot ACR30/50/70-kriteriene? Les mer
ACR=American College of Rheumatology; AS=ankylosing spondylitis; BID=twice daily; ERA=enthesitis-related arthritis; HR=hazard ratio; JAKi=Janus kinase inhibitor; JIA=juvenile idiopathic arthritis; jPsA=juvenile psoriatic arthritis; MTX=methotrexate; pJIA=polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis; PsA=psoriatic arthritis; RA=rheumatoid arthritis; RF=rheumatoid factor; SE=standard error; UC=ulcerative colitis.Referanser:XELJANZ SPCRuperto N, Brunner H, Synoverska O, et al. Tofacitinib in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, withdrawal phase 3 randomised trial. Lancet. 2021;398(10315):1984-1996.
PP-XEL-NOR-0335 Mai 2023

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XELJANZ Erfaringer

Pfizer AS, Org.nr 915 213 596

Postadresse: Postboks 3, 1324 Lysaker
Besøksadresse: Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo

Tlf.: +47 67 52 61 00

PP-BCP-NOR-0001 juni 2023

Copyright © 2023 Pfizer AS. Innholdet er rettighetsbeskyttet.



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