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EffektEffektdataStudiedesignKlinisk remisjonTidlig symptomatisk responsEndoskopisk forbedringBiologiske/JAKi-undergrupperIsolert proktittSikkerhetBivirkningerHjerte- og øyebivirkningerKom i gangOpplæringsmateriellMateriellVideo



Tab Number 3

Tab Number 4

Tab Number 5

First-line advanced therapy* use supported by VELSIPITY efficacy in biologic/JAKi subgroupsPatients on VELSIPITY achieved clinical remission in both the biologic/JAKi-naive and biologic/JAKi-exposed subgroups in ELEVATE UC 521,2
Graph made by Pfizer from data in ref 1 table 2 and ref 2 table S5
Advanced therapies include S1P receptor modulators, biologics, and JAK inhibitors.3Clinical remission was defined as a stool frequency (SF) subscore of 0 (or of 1 with a ≥1-point decrease from baseline), a rectal bleeding (RB) subscore of 0, and an endoscopy score (ES) ≤1 (excluding friability).1Analysis of outcomes by prior treatment was not powered for statistical significance.3 Clinical remission was controlled for multiplicity via parallel gatekeeping procedures that preserved the type I error rate at 5%.3
First-line advanced therapy* use supported by VELSIPITY efficacy in biologic/JAKi subgroupsPatients on VELSIPITY achieved clinical remission in both the biologic/JAKi-naive and biologic/JAKi-exposed subgroups in ELEVATE UC 121,2
Graph made by Pfizer from data in ref 1 table 3 and ref 2 table S8
Advanced therapies include S1P receptor modulators, biologics, and JAK inhibitors.3Clinical remission was defined as a stool frequency (SF) subscore of 0 (or of 1 with a ≥1-point decrease from baseline), a rectal bleeding (RB) subscore of 0, and an endoscopy score (ES) ≤1 (excluding friability).1Analysis of outcomes by prior treatment was not powered for statistical significance.3
Clinical remission was controlled for multiplicity via parallel gatekeeping procedures that preserved the type I error rate at 5%.3
References:VELSIPITY (etrasimod) Summary of Product Characteristics.Sandborn WJ, Vermeire S, Peyrin-Biroulet L, et al. Etrasimod as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis (ELEVATE): two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 studies [published correction appears in Lancet. 2023;401(10381):1000]. Lancet. 2023;401(10383):1159-1171. Sandborn WJ, Vermeire S, Peyrin-Biroulet L, et al. Etrasimod as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis (ELEVATE): two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 studies [published correction appears in Lancet. 2023;401(10381):1000]. Lancet. 2023;401(10383):1159-1171.
Isolated Proctitis

See how VELSIPITY is effective in calming the chaos of isolated proctitis.

Isolert proktittLoading



PP-V1A-NOR-0013 | Utarbeidet 08.2024

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PP-BCP-NOR-0001 juni 2023

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