Kun for helsepersonell
JADE COMPARE var en randomisert, dobbeltblind, dobbeltdummy, placebokontrollert pivotal fase 3 klinisk studie som evaluerte effekt og sikkerhet av CIBINQO i kombinasjon med TCS vs placebo + TCS hos 837 voksne pasienter med moderat til alvorlig AD, med en direkte head-to-head sammenligning vs dupilumab for kløelindring, målt ved PP-NRS4, ved uke 2.2
Kløelindrende effekt
Pasientrapporterte utfall (PROs)
Data limitations
EASI-75 response for CIBINQO vs placebo at week 12 was a prespecified, multiplicity-controlled primary endpoint and at week 16 was a prespecified multiplicity-controlled key secondary endpoint. All other time points were prespecified, non–multiplicity-controlled secondary endpoints. Therefore, treatment differences could represent chance findings and no conclusions regarding other comparisons can be made. This study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to EASI-75 response. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
Data limitations
IGA 0/1 response for CIBINQO vs placebo at week 12 was a prespecified, multiplicity-controlled primary endpoint and at week 16 was a prespecified, multiplicity-controlled key secondary endpoint. All other time points were prespecified, non–multiplicity-controlled secondary endpoints. Therefore, treatment differences could represent chance findings and no conclusions regarding other comparisons can be made. This study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to IGA 0/1 response. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
Data limitations
EASI-90 response was a prespecified secondary endpoint not controlled for multiplicity. Therefore, treatment differences could represent chance findings and no conclusions regarding any comparisons can be made. The study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to EASI-90 response. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
Coprimary endpoints:
Data limitations4,5
PP-NRS4 response for CIBINQO vs dupilumab and vs placebo at week 2 was a prespecified key secondary endpoint controlled for multiplicity. The onset of pruritus relief was assessed through a step-down approach, day by day, from week 2 to earlier time points once statistical significance was demonstrated at week 2, at the 5% level of significance. Any hypotheses made after the last day for which the comparison was significant was not considered statistically significant. P values at day 4 and day 9 are controlled for multiplicity for the family of PP-NRS4 comparisons.
Coprimary endpoints:
Key secondary endpoints:
I post hoc analyse,
POEM er et pasientrapportert utfallsmål som brukes til å evaluere alvorlighetsgraden av AD ved å måle hyppigheten av symptomer over en ukes varighet, inkludert kløe, søvnforstyrrelser, blødende hud, væskende hud, sprukket hud, flassende hud og tørr/grov hud, fra pasientens perspektiv.3
Ved baseline var gjennomsnittsverdien for POEM totalskår 21,1 for alle grupper, som representerer alvorlige AD-symptomer. Grafen ovenfor representerer prosentandel av pasienter som oppnådde ingen eller nesten ingen AD-symptomer.1,4
Data limitations
POEM total score 0-2 (clear/almost-clear response) was a post hoc analysis and the P values are nominal. The study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to POEM. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
I post hoc analyse,
DLQI er designet for å måle helserelatert livskvalitet hos pasienter med dermatologiske tilstander. En forbedring av ≥4-punkts reduksjon i DLQI-score anses som klinisk relevant.1,6
Data limitations
DLQI improvement ≥4 points was a post hoc analysis and the P values are nominal.
The study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to DLQI. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
I post hoc analyse,
SCORAD er et klinisk verktøy som brukes til å vurdere omfanget og alvorlighetsgraden av AD. Dette verktøyet tar hensyn til kroppsområde, AD-intensitet og subjektive symptomer, som kløe og søvn, de siste 3 nettene. SCORAD VAS søvnmangel er et domene i den sammensatte SCORAD.1,8
Data limitations
SCORAD VAS sleep loss <2 response was a post hoc analysis and the P values are nominal.
The study was not designed to evaluate CIBINQO vs dupilumab with respect to SCORAD VAS sleep loss subscale. Therefore, results are not to be interpreted as evidence of superiority, non-inferiority, or similarity between CIBINQO and dupilumab.
Coprimary endpoints:
Cibinqo brukerveiledning
Brosjyre med praktisk informasjon om dosering, dosejustering, overvåking, retningslinjer og sjekklister.
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